“I alone cannot  change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

-Mother Teresa

The Learnings that come from deep within the One Living System are for us to behold its Wisdom and Philosophy and live that truth as our lives.

  • Wisdom

    Explore the wisdom and philosophy of the One Living System. This enriching journey will dive into the depths of the OLS foundations and principles to truly connect with its values. Not just theoretical aspects or as a concept but as a way of living and perceiving the world. Here, we unravel deeper, more complex topics and themes through conversation and diagrams presented within the book to allow clarity to unfold and deepen comprehension.

  • Build

    This is an opportunity to explore the business side of the OLS. Utilising the terrain concepts, families, businesses, land owners, and organisations interested in aligning with a deeper connection to Nature and a responsibility towards stewardship of resources are offered models of higher consciousness and processes. Here we focus on how societal structures can embody the values and principles of equity, diversity, collaboration and community engagement, and sustainability as integral parts of their operation and culture.

  • Unravel

    Embark on the journey of innerstanding the sacred self. Different from self-help based models of learning, this is a profound unraveling, dismantling, and deprogramming of layers of conditional beliefs that have kept us tethered to an outdated narrative of separation. As we peel back the layers of societal and personal conditioning we come face to face with the essence of who we truly are; a radiant expression of the universal life force that flows through all of creation.

  • Sacred

    Once we have shifted perspective from seeing ourselves as separate to recognizing our inherent connection to all of Nature and living beings, we embrace the sacredness within ourselves and extend that reverence to everything around us. This guides us in living more authentically and harmoniously with all of life. Here, we discuss how to live this truth, stepping into our role as stewards and custodians of all life.

  • WELLth

    Traverse the sacred thread that holds all as one; Wellth. Here, we expand on recognizing that our well-being is intimately linked with the well-being of all beings and the entire system. We are further prompted to consider the broader impact of our actions and choices. By aligning ourselves with the greater harmony of the One Living System, we can work towards creating conditions that support the thriving and flourishing of all beings, nurturing wellth on both individual and collective levels.

  • Unwritten

    Unwritten comes to us as the unknown. The place where uncertainty dwells and pure potential lives. We are invited to embrace the unknown and to trust the unfolding. Our life forward is ripe with endless possibility and opportunity for growth, creativity, and connection as we realize each moment holds the capacity to surrender to the flow of life and trust the inherent wisdom of the universe and our divine intuition. Every experience becomes a chapter in the unfolding story.

These Learnings are delivered from the understanding that the book the One Living System has been, or is being read to allow the fullness of the work to be understood and for the true force of transmutation to be realised.