“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.”
– Lao Tzu

We are all being called.

The call is to BE the change. Our actions and intentions mean everything right now. Never has it been more important to do the work that is required to align with life in all ways and never has everything been at such a tipping point of urgency to begin.

Amongst the work of activating the One Living System into our everdayness, we offer the wisdom and learnings that have emerged from the book, as well, the opportunity for 1:1 deep exploration for people and for businesses to truly entrain their lives.

We are faced with a monumental moment of overhaul, where each of us are required to alter everything that has been in order to create all that is to come.

To do this we have to be willing to not merely face change but be the driving force behind it..

The inner work - for your soul

Why is now the time?

We are the change. We have to deeply hear that. This catastrophic turning point in time, where there can be no doubt we are in a phase that highlights massive system failure, with many of the institutions we have been guided by falling around us, we need to know we are the solution moving forward.

Returning to the truth,

Everything that we are drives everything that is to be. This very moment is a culmination of our collective manifestation. It’s hard to hear, yet powerful when we understand that our unravelling, our release, our rise in consciousness is the shift required to change course. A return to our truth is where we each begin.

To the source of who we are.

Returning to truth is returning to the source of who we are. We discover that our very sacred being is the same life force within all creations. As we deprogram from all that was the old ways and live into inspiring alternatives we come to find ourselves for the first time. Discovering our sacredness, realising the cords that connect all of life, we come home.

What makes this journey unique?

That we explore ourselves amongst the Living System

  • It means diving into our ‘self’ and all that we have been, all that we are and the possibilities of who we are yet to become. PLUS …

  • Exploring the ‘more than self’ aspects of all of Life. Everything ‘other than’ human form that we have been separated from. WHILST ….

  • Understanding the creation cycle that is Life, and how we are all a microcosm and macrocosm synchronously happening at once. It is how we live from this space. How we begin again. How we live as one with the Living System.

The inner work - building wellth

Let’s reframe wealth

To understanding the true WELLTH that is the harmony of our wellness and wellbeing at all levels of our being.

Align to all wellth,

Nothing can be truly well unless all is well, understanding that our wellth journey is more than just our own body.

Sustained wellth.

The only way to find and sustain wellth is when it is found amongst all things, for the first time all of your being and that around you will be well.

Do not underestimate our role.

The power we each hold, is vital in making the great changes we need. Our realisation of all that we are, and our place amongst nature, is the catalyst to this change. We will carry each other forward. In diving deep to unravel our pain, our wounds and trauma, challenging old beliefs, we discover our truth of oneness. All of this leads to the healing of both our own soul and that of the earth, for it is one in same.

The outer work - our ‘business’

How we express

We first understand that how we express in life, is passed on through our ‘business’ offering. We work in alignment with our highest purpose. This is equally employers as well employees. Our business in this lifetime, is how we offer ourselves to life.

Or do we?

Mostly this isn’t always true and so we are left with unfulfilled lives working in environments that not only don’t express our highest selves, but are not operated in accordance with the highest good. For alignment to come all of this must change, and begin to take on new form.

For the good of all.

Is how we begin when we bin the old business plans. We start with understanding the systems already functioning in life that offer us guidance as to how to ‘operate’ and then become salient with that, and then offer environments to employees that build life, not destroy it.