Coming home within

It’s about finding solace without

Rather than comfort within

The bottle. The addiction. The drama. 

Curiously we entangle the within .. without.

Without the addiction

We get to go within …

That scary space of unknown

Or perhaps too well known, darkness 

That space asks for solace

Peace, tranquility

The kind that isn’t found within addiction 

…That drives one to further insanity of the added fear of believing we can’t do without …

The kind of serenity that can only be found within 

….silence stillness and the willingness to be alone with one self….

Within the addiction lies trauma and traumatic thought

On top of traumatic thought


without ..

When we discover our ‘self’ amongst

- Rather than self as individual Separated and alone -

We realise there’s not only reason but meaning to living

through within and without

For we recognise our importance within our being and within as a part of the entire miracle

… should we do without …

And we rush to honour that

We yearn to fill that within…

Instead of a glass

Or a shopping trolley

Or a craving .. if we can only go without

It’s this constant denial of our truth that’s led us here

Attempting to unravel without knowing our wholeness was never going to see us ever find light. 

Yet unravelling as a part of nature and life and the Living System means we unravel into. 

Going within set amongst all that is without

And it’s a huge difference

Rather than trying to fight our way out to what is an empty never ending abyss we work our way back In

And we’re held and tended to as we arrive

And we realise we’d just walked a wrong path for a while

And this return is so delicious we all of a sudden recognise ourselves for the first time. 

It’s coming home

To who we are as one with the Living System 


We are each the solution.


Walking through the book