Walking through the book

A Journey through the pages of One Living System

… if our hearts give way we lose momentum… 

I wanted to take you on a journey through the book One Living System - now released - as she begins to find roots in this lifetime. This sojourn, whilst a longer than normal blog for me, is what I would term a ‘scan across the valley’ (as if one is standing at the top of a gorge over seeing the land and mountains you are about to traverse) that allows you to sense into the all it offers and what lay ahead. If done right, just like the scene atop the gorge, we are called into that journey, we cannot not step forward, we are eager to begin and so we ready our backpacks, retie our laces, and take the first step.

….. In the beginning there was no cause. There was the fulfilment of what is. 

we are destined to this knowing. Just like a small pond cannot fathom the enormity of the ocean, our physical mind, our physicalness, cannot grasp the universal infinite energy that is the eternal consciousness. It is within our ability to quiet the mind to go above our humanness, our physical being to connect to the infinite All That Is within.

….. We only exist amongst life, as life diminishes around us so do we. 

from this point, as we evolve through our rise of consciousness we live into this through what we will find to be our new values from our focus on the Living System. That bridge that we now step onto will at first seem tottering and dilapidated, it may appear fragile or frail; this is only because we have not walked this path and cleared the way that has been offered to us. To build its strength we step onto its platform and rebuild it as we walk. We reconstruct it as we step plank by plank reminding life as we go that we are here, that we are a willing participant to its building and that the steady flow of the current that runs under it flows with the sacred force of our own being.

….. Wealth must first be equitably dispersed then regard, relevant to need, acknowledged and honoured.

we are one system. That all sentience thrives is an essential quality to maintain the system. In this, diversity is crucial to life’s continued existence. As we are enhanced by diversity so is life itself. It brings depth to our being. That we are of many forms brings depth to our existence and our potential. Equity in humanity paves the way for regard in equity in biodiversity. It cannot be stressed enough that diversity is our continuum; it is all that we are and can become. It is limitless life revealing itself.

….. Diversity is our depth

if our bookshelf and indeed our list of friends includes only the people we like to read or listen too, because they agree with us, or share like minded thoughts and beliefs, it is a very shallow library, vocabulary and knowledge base that we have. There is no depth to be gained without being challenged. Diversity in our thinking, our ways of being, in our creations, in our capacity is what brings our depth to be resilient, to thrive, even to survive. Diversity is our depth!

….. To feel is to live and breathe, and the gift of Nature is to remind us of feeling.

the removal of our place amongst this continues to wedge the distance between us, that becomes the precursor to blaming nature for our dis-ease rather than it being our beloved. To distance us from feeling allows us to forever be pulled from our capacity to live as our truth. To continue to reduce our feelings and emotions to being controlled by medication such that it is held captive within us, is yet another desperate act of severing our ties with our mother. That we would claim the causality of so many illnesses to be of our capacity to feel, screams the denial of our true nature amongst all of life's creations and that the act of ‘caging’ those with heightened feeling (within themselves as much as prisons or institutions) in order to maintain some form of simple living shows we do not understand the complexity of life nor its purpose.

….. Life’s language. Murmurings gives shape to the wind

Why is a Living System considered a language?  It is important for us to recognise that what life offers us is a system as a form of language. Her Living System is a set of principles and procedures according to which she creates, builds, repairs, heals and regenerates all of life. It is a unique system that is constantly self  perpetuating and varies in accordance with needs met through Universal Laws of Nature itself. It is the  language of  Life speaking to us, having conversations with us and through us and all sentience at every moment. As experience and expression we are a message and a song. We both experience the language through the Living System, as we do ‘express as’ the language through our living within the system. All of life is the language of life.

…. The ache to belong

There is so much to ponder about belonging and it's asking for us to relate into who we are and where we live. Arguably it is our capacity to belong that can be described as the act of weaving. Not the thread, which is who we are as our sacredness that exists as all things at once, but the act of stitching that thread, weaving it into every other element around us. Devoting time to belonging, where and how we belong, how we relate in that space of belonging and the relationships we have is an enormous part of the learning and the living amongst the Living System.

Awareness has us searching to belong in any way, realisation has us yearn to belong as our truth, the act then of belonging in itself, is the actualisation of who we are.

…. Of being the Mother

That we have made her (Mother Nature, Life) extend her maternal care to us as pieces of her existence, as opposed to the one Living System she created. We have stretched her, worn her thin, kept her up all night since time began, drunk her dry, left her exhausted beyond measure, nagged her for more creations to please our pallets and held little gratitude.  To fully embrace and allow all that life is, requires us to allow pure potential, it means live as life does. Life is always existing as pure potential, creating from pure potential. Giving over our addictions and attachments to our extractionist human form and opening to embracing uncertainty allows the pure potential of life to show up as all that it is and for us to live into it as our truth.

….. Soil knowledge - becomes self knowledge.

Whilst much has been and can be written over each of these aspects separately, in speaking from a Living System perspective this is enough. It is not for us to determine our needs over life’s needs, our being over anothers. It is not for us to disregard or disrespect any of life without taking into account all of life. Life lives and honours as one. All things considered equitously in honouring the expansion of life itself in all forms, not for consumption, not for greed or power, but as a living expression of life itself through its Living System.

….. Rather than being a creative force, time has become a removing force. 

It’s important to acknowledge the power of time. Time and space together are in and of all things allowing creation to form and become. In manipulating the two - humanity - has found a way in which to drive a wedge into the heart of our truth, in order to deliver a mirage of who we are. So far removed from our essence, it has stolen us from our roots. The manipulation of time has allowed humancentric frames to take hold. It allows capitalism to mean something, it grants permission to a rise in consumerism and the corporate world, all of which divides us from our place amongst and within the boundaries of Nature.

….. What time affords us as potential space allows as possible.

To know the practice of space we watch the pebble fall and allow its ripples to end. We draw a long inhale to a pause, that offers a moment for life to be absorbed, with a deep exhale to release and a sigh to allow life to just be. These are true examples of the timing of space, allowing the fullness of a moment to be experienced. 

Space is all things within the Living System. Our separation from our place within this, when we are restricted by space, held too close to what is not real and distant to that which is, we are captives. Tied to our work ethic and responsibilities to society yet distant to our custodianship of that which sustains us. We are held at a distance from that which we belong to.

….. Entrainment is not our way for embodying the One Living System deeper into our being, it is how we already are one with the Living System.

to entrain fully we are called to LIVING as our truth. In actuality truth is not spoken IT IS LIVED, until that moment spoken words are nothing but messages and conversations that hold no tie to us until they are actualised, embedded, into life, entrained into being through our actions (or those of another). Whilst our thoughts are conversations with ourselves, our feelings (as transferred energy)  conversations to each other, our actions and being are our conversation to the world. As we live our truth we in turn become one union of intention, of practice, and evolve into powerful systems capable of influence. Not influence OVER but influence with.  To be fluid with all else. 

….. Our voice is not only our ability to express, but reveals truth, held voiceless denies our truth.

our most well known taste, sight, hearing, touch and smell are left unable to be expressed without the sixth sense of voice. The capacity to inwardly or outwardly express those senses is vital when it comes to rounding out what it is to feel. To express feelings is crucial to our becoming and all creations have the capacity to do this. Even water holds sounds of its expression seeking to be heard. The disconnect from voice, being silenced, is a part of the trauma that is held within all things. That we have a system that not only removes our voice but removes our expression of sense, the capacity for us to sensate and not express is being held captive within our own being. 

….. Values of the Living System

values are the principles, the philosophy, the essence upon which the universal law abides for life to become. They are the philosophies that life exists on. In relationships we often forget that values are their foundations and as life exists upon the alacrity to relate, our interconnectedness relies on values to build all things. Our creation, our thriving, and our boundaries for that to occur depend on these universal laws.

…. Life’s economy is based on the values of the Living System

Exchange is the economy of life and we are all nodes of exchange. This exchange is governed by balance and harmony, it is by its very nature equitable, not equal, seeking equity over equality, to enable alignment and flow to all things for all things.

Service. The purpose behind the economy. That we each serve the direction and need of all life. That we serve is the exchange rate. Our step outside of nature and our place amongst this falsity, means we have created an economy that does not exist as a fluid exchange of mutuality rather as a funnel lined with check valves that creates a system - through a nonreturn exchange -  that ends up in only one pot, that of greed. 

The Living System has a fast feedback loop of which, whilst there are many, rest is worth mentioning in depth as it plays an important role and is not honoured within our current economy. Rest is stored energy for the renewable systems. To rest, pause, take time, breathe is in itself an economy of exchange that allows all things time and space in order to become. Time and space creates all things, for which rest is its conductor. To heal, to merge, to flirt and dance, to lounge, rest is required. 

….. A fast feedback system

The Living System holds a rapid feedback loop for its own management and creation and rest is the gentle spaces between the loops that allows silence for the making - all sentience is a part of this feedback loop - including us. The feedback is so fast it can alter its course in seconds, stimulated from the resonance of one source to another, messaging like sirens where there is need or trouble. As all things honour rest, it lay amongst action in stages of silence, stillness and rest, which means there is more time for things to be noticed, discrepancies to be found, glitches to be realised, imbalance to be heard, all of which means at the same time as action taking place regeneration through feedback is occurring. 

….. We are more than the numbers shown on a ledger that displays a value to our existence. 

That is, that we connect as one to our self, our place and community and that this leads us into the Living System. That we seek life itself to nourish and nurture its own creation is essential. We are but one of its creations. Therefore listening and observing are the ways to its wisdom. As we apply this system we find what works with us and our environment as one. We add things, adjust things, create things, all in response to us as a whole system. It is alive. It is all knowing and in that space we find abundance. Abundance is a living energy we are a part of. It is the living energy of life. 

….. Locality

Ask anyone what locality is and they’d likely shrug their shoulders and say it’s a town or city, maybe a state or country, but generally it's just some place that holds a reference to ‘there’. Like the question of ‘who are you?’, most mistakenly drawn down to a name and answered with George, Georgetown, is simply ‘there’. Along with this dismissal of what locality is, comes a disconnected knowing of what it holds, its felt sense of belonging has become less steeped in pride of one's connection. The word local was stripped of value as cities grew, as hierarchy/ capitalism / colonialism pushed itself onto lands the process of monopoly was applied, with governance over outer localities required to pay the taxes of the land offered to the crown in order to benefit those within the walls. ‘Out there’ as local(ity) became the slave for ‘there’ in the cities with the outskirts of towns pushed to uphold all the requirements for those who had the wealth to live in what began as elite locations. 

We all seek right place. Right place feels like the gentle hand on the cusp of our back holding us bringing both security and strength. We know we can do and be in that space for we are held and known. Its familiarity is unexplainable; we recognise it as home, the only word to announce how it feels to be in this right place and that we belong.  It’s a large hand. A firm hand. A hand that’s wrestled with life itself, with lived experience revealed as calluses. It’s warm in its likeness to the womb, it’s the place of felt knowing and we want to step in and know it as we did before. Protect it. Listen to it as the old friend it is and to gift it so much of who we are that it flourishes and becomes bountiful through us. 

…. Not a team as such - but a Terrain.

The first crucial point around the Living System is that it is not a team as such as it is a terrain. What's the difference? In its most simple terms a terrain is the lay of the land, the sum of all parts as the culmination of everything to this point, through observing and listening to every part of the process and cycle to truly understand who it is, what it is and how it is thriving. The terrain is ever changing, evolving and becoming. It is at all times both inclusive and diverse by nature and by nurture. The terrain, by instinct, invests in all of its partners as much as it does its whole self, at no point is it ever an individual or singularity. It cannot be, it is always a summation and it is always seeking its self to be whole, well, vital and integral.  This is not a team framework. Whilst a team comes together as many to one place in order to create a joint outcome, the individuals who make that team, are separate and individual. They do not offer themselves as a part of the one, but rather as an entirety unto themselves. This means that the disconnect they begin with, immediately places them in the disadvantage of not knowing the other. Not intimately, not as a part of themselves, rather as separate identities. A team is most often required to react through instinct to direct impact and emergency to maintain and survive, whereas a terrain is in all ways intuitively responding to all that emerges through its own delicately sensed need for mutuality.

Life seeks balance through tensions.  It allows creation through chaos. In this we are always recognising spaces for change that alter the course. Daily, moment by moment life does this. From a relations viewpoint through regard and observation we can be ready for these twists and turns and be compliant and flexible to our adjustments.  Just as we would within our own being adjust the level of vitamins and minerals we take in to bring balance, the soils need this, as much as our relationships and communities around us.

… The journey of Sacred Self and our Wellth, how we actualise into the Living System.

Living abundantly, or with abundance is not measured by wealth and this is where abundance can feel to escape us. If we measure abundance purely from a financial, success or asset based value, many of us would never know abundance. It is easy to feel the weight of under achieving or failure in these terms. True abundance of life is based around not only WELLth, as the culmination of our physical and mental wellness, but it is most efficiently measured by connection. That which we touch, that which we relate with and to, that which we collect as moments of time that do not escape us. We are fed on these. We are fed and nourished by Life in all ways. Over, through, during and amongst many lifetimes! 

We are so much more than we have ever known our self to be, for we have only ever known a portion of our truth. How can we ever make a choice knowing only half the story. In our state of separation we were never given glimpses of our sacred threads and so cut loose to life we were left fraying to the winds. Fraying as a term for the frayed edges of our ragged self that was disconnected and left dangling by a thread, clinging to whatever addiction of humanity would ease our pain. Burnt out in attempts to discover, stressed and diseased by our bid to find a ledge to cling to, never aware of all that we are, believing in our beliefs, gripping to the

Given the way we have been shown health, wellness or wellbeing in the past, we have come to think of these simply as how we look or how we function (sometimes it may be extended to how we feel, but that is certainly a thing more of our most recent years). The simple fact is, our health is vital to the machine we exist in. That we are well enough to continue the grind, that we are well enough to do the work to endure more for longer. This comes disguised as pictures of happy people lounging on their holidays, which we earn from participating in the grind. It may be seen as older people enjoying their grandchildren, something we earn after years of participating in the grind.  Until this moment our wellness has never been a factor in the wellness of the Living System, nor has it been a consideration for the longevity of life itself, merely a tool for which we function for the purpose of satiating the extreme overshoot of growth we have existed within.

Amongst our nourish phase we become aware of the epidemic of being stuffed and starved through our over consumption on every level of being. Too much food, too much information, too much consuming of products and processes. Stuffed from this over consumption starved from the quality and nourishment we truly need. Starved from the lack of nutrients now in our soils, the water, the air. Starved from diversity through the lack of life we allow to nourish us, in people, place, connections and our foods, which is a key factor in building a sturdy and harmonious terrain. Stuffed and starved means we lack the flow of life and the fullness of life. We are over filled with all the material gains and lack connection to our very source. When looking at our world of wellth, we are mortified to learn our over consumption of waste is as much our mind consuming mindless shows as it is consuming poor food. 

The earth strains under its attempts to break down things that do not belong. It will try through its natural efforts to reduce and recycle that which is a part of it - only to be blocked by its fabrications. The Earth's processes whilst enormous are still gentle, whilst robust are still fragile, whilst demonstrating great power are still overwhelmed by what does not belong. We cannot continue to feed ourselves or the earth or our kindred companions foods that are going to block the process that is a circular economy. Every process of the Earth's nourishing and nurturing phases revolves around a reduce, recycle, reuse process that feeds into itself. 

This is daunting, for at this stage what we discover is that being a part of the Living System, we are not only one with it in being, but in all processes. Without feeling we belong and are connected, we would have feelings of panic questioning, will we be considered?... How does life know my needs? When we are trusting and open with the system we know our role is to apply ourselves to that and we are forever taken care of, always considered and in all ways loved. This is huge. It is a wow moment of actually hitting home that to be a part of life, we are at all times compassionately cared for. Something we are told by people, governments, institutions, yet most failing us so much that this level of trust is terrifying for most to give over to. Again surrender is called for and life knows how tender it is to do this for the broken promises we have been delivered, yet eases us with signs saying I am here. We are here, on this side of the lemniscate opening our heart and soul to our truth and this can no longer be daunting to us, rather it is more confirmation of all that we now know to be true.

Resilience comes in here. Staying the course in a journey that is about transformation, is about self love and the love we have for life, and waking each day for them to greet each other. Change is a constant and it is our job to move with it and this requires having to think ahead and be prepared, for change is always knocking at the door. There's a grit to this, a deep resilience that sees her show up in what may seem the most inhabitable places and at times places that appear completely improbable, but life continues despite ….. and because. Despite all odds, despite all probabilities, despite our beliefs and thinkings …  because as the Living System, she is in, amongst and of all things.

The role of sleep, rest and relaxation in transformation is too often overlooked and an underrated element to our wellth. Within the current framework of production these three elements are considered time wasters where every ounce of usable time must be squeezed from every available life source in order to produce. That we overlook those who produce, all that produces, in order to produce more, is backward thinking that speaks only of a disposable mindset. That we can use and continue to abuse our production line in order for it to be continually replaced after burning out, be it man or machine holds the stench of an oppressive diseased society. To sleep, to allow rest and recuperation, to work from a relaxed state, are all ways vital, not simply necessary, vital to our most effective mental health and our bodies ability to heal and repair. 

One of the greatest ailments that we encounter throughout life is the accumulation of multiple dis-eased states, that sometimes coincide, sometimes conjoin, most often aggravate all other functions in the body. Smallest observations avoid great dilemmas. Making note daily of our mental, physical and soulful state, paying attention to our food intake, how much and what kinds, knowing the levels of stress we are being stretched to, seeing how all of this builds reaction in our being, all of this, means we hold opportunity to harness wellth and bring about our greatest vitality. Paying attention is the defence to all things matter. Knowing that all things matter, every intricate detail, every intimate detail, means we have to be paying attention to see or feel them. We have to be present to sense into them. Every little nuance can trigger a landslide. That something appears small and inconspicuous in early stages left untreated or without constant observation can become something so much more aggressive. Paying attention means take note, write it down, remember.

Touchpoints are how we seed ourselves into the world, how we sew and weave ourselves back into the fabric of life and all living things in our regions. We can go even further and say that touchpoints are footsteps, that is the distance, the radius of our living. To do no harm, as much as possible, the distance that we can walk and all that lies within it is our duty of care for regenerating and returning life to its greatest expression once again.

How we live, how we love, how we do life, is the way life will move forward. Our actualised sacred expression is what we will make of this world. It may feel frightening to consider that we are the solution when we have also been the cause, can we be trusted? The determining factor comes in the work we each choose to do in our return to our sacredness, that we fall back into life and see ourselves within all her creations. 

In the Living System, everything is For Giving - as an act of service - service to each other and all things in a manner of honouring and regarding each other and our journey home. It therefore asks each of us to acknowledge forgiveness as a radical act for unravelling and revealing our own self as we rise, and a radical political act that frees us from the shackles of lies that bind us as we open to listening and revealing truths - willing to not only own what once was - but to take hands and lead into what can be. For Giving is the way of the Living System - the giving of life, to life. A giving back to each other as a part of the circular economy of deep regard and love.

Those ready to take leaps, steps or shuffles. Those willing to honour their sacredness - wherever that lies within their being- and collaborate to inspire an alternative. One and all we are whole. We come knowing that it is not one piece of the symptoms of life's puzzle that ails us - not just climate or social justice - not just food and housing - not just governments and capitalist elitist ways - not just a failing economy - but all of this as one that ails us - and only as one can this be undone. And undone through every piece of each coming together, you cannot pull on any one thread of these concepts without finding another within them, and it will require all that is above and below to restore this, energetic forces must and will shift to allow this and the place of all craftsmanship, indeed all that lies within welkin will be required to dismantle and rebuild.

We are not only essential to life’s dreaming we are essential to the formation of all dreaming to come. The pain of separation from this truth, as life, as gods/goddesses, as giants of immense possibility means we sit here in this lifetime feeling alone, wandering for days without direction. As we sit with the truth of interbeing as absolute existence, we realise we play our role as our truth. We express and give and give again. We seed honour. We plant regard. We grant love to everyone we greet. Let all else take care of its own role. None of us are without reason or cause. We are each ineffable existence set to create the pathway of life before us. What we dream life has asked us to create, and we find those whose dreams we share and build. 

May you find yourself deeply amongst this journey.

With love,

(if this sojourn has tempted you - click here - to be taken to the book)


Coming home within


Just one thing ….